The city court of Debrecen placed a 46 years old woman and a 28 and a 34 years
old men into pre-trial custody. They tried to steal a Fiat Ducato van from the car park of Istvan street at dawn of May 18.
This action was not successful but later they managed to stole a Daewoo Lublin van.
Police patrols from Nagykallo saw 3 persons dissasembling a Daewoo Lublin van in a yard of a Bem street property in the morning of May 18. They have found suspicious that the license plate of the van is stil on so they asked them. Further questioning and the earlier notifiication of the theft ensured officers that they are in the right place to catch the perpetrators.
Although all of them denied the theft during their interrogation they mixed the answers conflicting the details. The two men already have criminal record both of them were serving prison sentence earlier.