The Hajdu-Bihar County Police Headquarters received a notification that somebody found two dead men inside a house in the outskirts of Debrecen on October 4, 2010.
The police patrols captured the 48 years old R.L.on scene. The suspect lived in a nearby house. Thedatas obtained from on-site inspection, the evidences obtained during the search justified that the man suspected of committing the crime.
Thedrunken manoften claimed that he is a trained martial artist and can kill anyone within three seconds.Sometimes he walked around the neighborhood armed with a knife.
He even behaved aggressively and was drunk when police arrested him. The 49 years old and the 41 years victims deaths caused by several stabs. There were no signs of struggle inside the house.
The Hajdu-Bihar County Police Departmentproceeding of felony murder.